Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Vacation Time

The AWP reading went well, considering we had a last minute change of plans. About three hours before show time I got a call from Karen and Jon. They were stuck in Connecticut because Jon had food poisoning! They hunkered down in a sleazy hotel while Jon recuperated. But that was half of my AWP readers! I was able to get Jon Chad, Chris Wright, and Dennis to step up and take their place. There were a few crash courses in PowerPoint, but everyone pulled together a great presentation.

Jon was a natural, he's a great voice actor. Whale Town was a hit! Dennis did a solo reading of Neon Girl (a comic with virtually no male characters) and helped me with a Sourpuss reading. I think he really nailed the voices of Jason and Sinclair. We both got to sing to Fugazi!

Alec really took advantage of the slide show format, and made some smart choices (like whiting out the captions). Chris read The Snake, which is one of my favorite stories from his collection Inkweed.

Jon Lewis recovered from his illness, he and Karen rolled into town in their Zip car about midnight. We spent the weekend eating good food, stomping around in the woods, shopping in New Hampshire (no sales tax!) and snorkeling in the frigid and murky White River. I miss those guys!

Tomorrow Dennis and I head to Baltimore for Damien Jay and Melanie Lewis' wedding. I don't have much of my own work to share in this post, but you can check out their websites instead. They are both hot talents in the mini comics world!

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