Thursday, July 3, 2008

Create Comics!

As usual, the Create Comics Workshop was a whirlwind week of 11-hour days for me. But I wouldn't change it! Along with their cartooning wisdom the faculty brought enthusiasm that was contagious.

It's always a treat to watch Steve Bissette at work. Anyone who wants to teach should pay close attention to this man. Jason Lutes is a great speaker; he’s a smart cartoonist who expresses his ideas concisely. James Kochalka got the students cranking out character designs. Aaron and Alec brought concept to paper and got the ball rolling on two amazing class anthologies. AND, we had special guest artist Jon Chadurjian in the house! Jon shared his inking wisdom and spoke about book craft. If I do say so myself, I think Jon and I pulled of an excellent screenprinting workshop (we have a rapport!)

We had a great group of students, many of whom are now my cartoonist buddies and penpals.

Check out these day-by-day reports on the CCS flickr or the AIGA blog.

And THANK YOU, CCS summer interns! Alex, Cal, Dan and Matt - we couldn't have done it without you.

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