Monday, March 10, 2008

Pancakes & Champagne

I turned 30 last week and I feel pretty good about it. 30 is a milestone, and worthy of a good party!

So Dennis and I threw a Champagne and Pancake Jam! Dennis made this excellent flyer.

Here's what was on the menu (all vegan):

Banana & Cherry Pancakes
Tropical Pancakes (with coconut milk and mango)
Dark Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Potato Pancakes with Mushroom Gravy

My birthday is also my anniversary as a vegetarian. I've been a vegetarian for 10 years! In a month I'll have been a vegan for 4 years.

I think this was my favorite birthday ever. Pancakes and champagne go together excellently (as I knew they would!) But best of all, Dennis put together a book of birthday drawings by my friends at CCS. It's a great gift, I'll treasure it.

I also got a painting by cartoonist Cat Garza! It’s nice having so many cartoonists in the neighborhood.

To be honest, birthday celebrations and CCS have kept me very busy this last week, and I haven't been drawing as much as I'd like to. Still, I have a few projects on my plate.

(Bonus points if you can identify who these Art Stars are!)

I'm working on a comic for an Existo fanzine my friend Colleen Frakes is putting together. Existo is a strange little film about the battle between art and the dominant culture. Steve Bissette showed Existo at the CCS Film Club a few years back, and it became a school favorite.
When I first saw Existo, it reminded me of Surf Reality, a strange little theater in the Manhattan's Lower East Side. Surf Reality was notorious for anything-goes performances, and has its own history for guerilla performance art. In 1998, key members of the Surf community formed the Dance Liberation Front. The DLF protested against Giuliani’s enforcement of the Cabaret Laws by coordinating a number of public dances, including a mass Hokey-Pokey on the steps of City Hall.

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